4 stages, problems and strategies to improve hotel service quality

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  • Time of issue:2020-01-20
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(Summary description)It is necessary to continuously meet the needs of guests from the aspects of team building, guest needs, skill enhancement, and service improvement, so as to promote the virtuous circle of hotel development.

4 stages, problems and strategies to improve hotel service quality

(Summary description)It is necessary to continuously meet the needs of guests from the aspects of team building, guest needs, skill enhancement, and service improvement, so as to promote the virtuous circle of hotel development.

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2020-01-20
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Zibo Xingyi Ceramics Co., Ltd.

It is necessary to continuously meet the needs of guests from the aspects of team building, guest needs, skill enhancement, and service improvement, so as to promote the virtuous circle of hotel development.
There are many discussions about the quality of hotel services. I don't need more description here, but I can summarize it as one point. Your hotel service has won guests, guests are willing to do word of mouth publicity for you, guests are willing to come again, or recommend others. Come here to prove the good quality of the hotel.
In recent years, I have visited the Shandong Building in Jinan and the Tianmu Lake Hotel in Liyang several times. I have also written a number of articles to talk about feelings and gains, and wrote these two hotels into my "Best Professional Manager" I think this is the highest evaluation of the quality of these two hotels in the book "Personal Experiences in a 40-year Career".
At the end of August, I arrived at the Yellow River Hotel in Zhengzhou. I stayed there for less than twenty-four hours. It was a typical government-serviced hotel with good services and operations. It should be said that this is a government-system hotel A representative restaurant. Because I was working in a government-owned hotel that year, I understand the status of these hotels. After I returned to Beijing, I wrote more than 6,000 words of documentary reports, published in my WeChat circle of friends, a lot of WeChat groups, including the “Internal Reference of Hotel” WeChat platform and MaiDian.com, which was founded by Professor Liu Wei of Guangzhou.
For the three hotels I introduced, let's think about why I want to do this willingly, that is, they conquered me and won my approval. The fundamental reason is that their service quality moved them.
I have been in the hotel industry for 42 years, and it can be said that I am also a participant and witness of the historical changes in this industry. Over the past four decades, the hotel industry has undergone tremendous changes, and its service quality has also experienced ups and downs.
I. Four stages of quality changes in the hotel industry
1.The transformation of the hotel industry from the seller's market to the buyer's market has promoted the improvement of hotel quality
What was the situation in the hotel industry at the beginning (in the 1970s)? It was the age when hotels were not found in accommodation and restaurants were not found in meals. At that time, it was not possible to have a letter of introduction when staying in our hotel. We had to go to the reception desk of the government to get a "pass". For a meeting of a few days, the organizer asks the hotel if it can pack dumplings and fritters once. A letter of commendation will fill the corridor as soon as it is opened. Customers are beating the general manager. At that time, people had no concept of service quality.
2. The entry of the reform and opening up of the International Hotel Management Group has promoted the improvement of hotel quality
A few years ago, one of the things that caught the world's attention and was hotly debated in China was China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), which marked that China was in line with international standards. In fact, before this, China's hotel industry had long been in line with international standards. The internationally recognized concept of the hotel industry, what "guests are God", "guests are always right" and so on, but also include some management methods, what hotel service concepts, marketing concepts, performance evaluation methods, etc. The promotion has greatly promoted. Our colleagues in the Northeast went to Guangzhou and Shenzhen to study and study. Since then, the hotel industry has gradually adjusted and aligned its position in society, and of course it is gradually adapting to market requirements and the requirements of guests from various countries. From a social point of view, the rapid increase in the number of hotels has also forced hotels to put down their shelves and have to pursue the improvement of service quality.
3.The advancement of emerging technologies has promoted the quality of hotels
Due to the emergence of the IT industry, the emergence of the Internet, the application of technology materials, high-tech products, etc., from the perspective of hardware construction, it has also promoted the improvement of service quality. In the past, guests checked in manually and settled manually. Most of the hotel's hardware was "original". Hotels now use a lot of high-tech products, especially in the past ten years, the rate of change is getting faster and faster. The feeling of the guests staying at the hotel is novel, convenient, and technological, and more needs are met. Let's just talk about the business center. From telex to fax to e-mail, and finally to business rooms, it is the mobile office. These have played a certain role in promoting the improvement of service quality.
4. Due to the rapid development of the hotel industry, the subsequent weakness of talents has caused fluctuations in service quality.
For more than ten years, the hotel industry has been in a situation of shortage of talents. The management team is out of touch. The newly built hotels suffer from unmanned operation and management. There is a phenomenon of promotion in the industry. Many industry insiders are frank not to say hotel innovation. Thank you for passing on the good tradition. People relaxed about technical training. As the sketch is ironic, the chef is no longer looking at recipes and military methods. These are undoubtedly weak to maintain the quality of the hotel.
Second, the four stages of improving hotel quality
However, at present, the hotel industry has encountered new bottlenecks in the improvement of service quality, entered a misunderstanding, or ushered in new challenges.
1.The brutal competition in the hotel industry makes the hotel weak
The number of hotels is constantly increasing. For example, there was only one five-star hotel in the three eastern provinces 30 years ago, which is the Furama Hotel in Dalian. At that time, the National Tourism Administration mobilized them to declare five-stars. By the end of last year, there were 28 five-star hotels in Liaoning. Due to the increase in the number of hotels, the occupancy rate has fallen, the revenue has fallen, and competition must be more and more brutal. I saw a 2011 document from the well-known hotel management expert, Mr. Zhao Huanmin. He said, "The international standard is that hotels with less than 60% occupancy rate will find it difficult to maintain their capital." Mr. Zhao Huanmin said that Chinese star-rated hotels are Industrial overcapacity is mainly due to excessive expansion and homogeneous competition. In recent years, industry-wide losses in China's hotel industry have become a common phenomenon. It takes cost to improve quality, what has been at a loss to improve quality?
2.Excessive staff turnover has destabilized the service quality of the hotel
Hotel operators are facing serious problems: high staff turnover, good backbone staff cannot be retained, which has caused instability in service quality. Hotel is a special industry. It is an industry that serves people. It is also an industry in which the production process and sales process are carried out simultaneously. What is the guarantee for leaving people?
Quality needs to be guaranteed by people, and quality takes time to settle. But the current problem is the excessive mobility of the workforce, which makes it difficult to ensure stable quality.
I have researched several hotels, and every quality hotel has a stable workforce. The three hotels I mentioned above (Shandong Building, Liyang Hotel, and Yellow River Hotel) have the main body of their workforce with a group of employees with an average working age of more than ten years! The employees have formed a community of fate with the hotel, honor and disgrace Together, this way the quality is guaranteed.
3. Blind layoffs and unreasonable staffing make it difficult to guarantee quality.
Due to the sluggish operation of the restaurant industry, many owners or operators always mistakenly believe that layoffs are one of the most direct and effective ways to increase efficiency. This is irrational layoffs, and made a few pits in a carrot. Some radishes can be topped a few pits. In fact, this is to quench thirst!
The worse your business is, the more you need to improve your service, the more you need to guarantee it! For example, the room attendant, there is a limit to the room she cleans every day. Beyond the limit, the quality of the room is difficult to guarantee! For example, restaurant service is now a The waiter will serve several tables. We have proposed that it is impossible to predict customer needs; meet customer needs; create customer surprises. This practice of maintaining business at the expense of quality must be a vicious circle.
4. Simply catering to guests with reduced prices, the hotel has lost its due quality.
Due to the pressure of competition and the decrease in the number of customers, some hotel owners or managers mistakenly believe that business is cheaper. Some hotels have also proposed "four-star hotels, five-star services, three-star prices", which is nonsense. There is a saying in China: "Cheap is not good, good is not cheap."
Why do you want to sell three-star hotels for four-star hotels? This is a sign of unconfidence. The louder the slogan is, the more nobody will go. It is equivalent to telling guests that my business is not good and the price has been reduced! At the same time, this approach will also cause disorderly competition in the industry. At that time, the National Tourism Administration had the lowest price for star-rated hotels.
Before the National Day (2016-09-26), I saw an article in "Liaoshen Food" in Liaoning, entitled "Severe discounted promotions for star-rated hotels in Shenyang to welcome tourists". After seeing this article, I was dizzy all of a sudden. Isn't this telling the people in the country that the hotel industry in Shenyang isn't working? Since he is going to Shenyang for tourism, he decides whether guests go or not. How come I don't see those international brand products on sale?
Recently, I also read an article "German artisans: we don't believe in good quality and low price!", Which said that Germany, a country with only 80 million people, actually has more than 2,300 world famous brands. What caused the world-renowned "Made in Germany"? Please read it! When I was the general manager of a high-star hotel in Panjin in 2007, I said that a successful hotel should be a "three high-end hotel" ", That is" high quality, high price, high profit. "
Third, what is the ultimate point and the essence of improving service quality?
The first is to improve the quality of service. No matter whether it is direct or indirect, it is inseparable from improving economic benefits. Without this point, improving quality will lose vitality. Without economic benefits as a guarantee, improving quality will be a miracle .
Second, the carriers for improving quality are personalized service, cultural marketing, emotional marketing, etc. Quality is reflected through service and marketing.
Third, improving service quality is guaranteed by improving the quality of personnel. Only high-quality management team, staff team and technical team can produce and provide high-quality services and products.
Fourth, to improve quality is to capture people's hearts
1. Operate and buy people's hearts. Due to the change of the times, people's material needs and spiritual needs have also undergone tremendous changes. For example, for a hotel 30 or 40 years ago, the hotel would be clean, and the price need not be considered, because it was the era of the planned economy, and the price was set by the government. Now, it's not enough to be clean and tidy. For example, at that time the hotel profile could be written, electronic door locks, central air conditioning, color TV, all of which have become history. The same is true of spiritual needs, welcoming smiles, language civilization, and attitude. These are no longer enough. Therefore, on the basis of standardized services, the hotel has created "personalized services", "housekeeping services", "kindred services" and so on. No matter how it changes, based on my decades of experience in the industry, I believe that the most important quality of service is: operating people's hearts and buying people's hearts.
Want to know what the guests are thinking and what they want? The price is not the only demand of the guests, or not the first demand! How to manage people ’s hearts is to understand the needs of the guests. Is he seeking respect, convenience, or saving money? This requires separate treatment and private customization. Privately-made services can receive more results with less effort.
Let me tell you a story. That was more than ten years ago. An old client wanted to hold a golden wedding celebration for his parents and told me clearly that no discount is needed, but it must be done well! We have done our best to produce, service, and arrange the venue. In the course of the banquet, the hotel also presented my photographic work-"Xihu Sunset", with a poem written by me. Life is only a few springs and autumns. The years of loving Rubin, the golden wedding is red. Ten years have passed, and I have already left the hotel, but I met the guest the year before, and he told me that the painting was still hanging in his home! See, it was equivalent to putting the hotel's advertisement in his home for ten several years.
2. Create a world full of emotions. Everyone think about it, the economy and society are developing rapidly, the population is increasing, and the space between people is shrinking, but people ’s feelings are becoming more and more indifferent, their expressions are becoming more and more rigid, and people are becoming strangers. How many years have I lived in a building without talking and knowing my last name! The divorce rate is getting higher and higher! People need emotional care and the warmth of home. This pair of hotels is an interesting entry point! As soon as guests enter the hotel, they should immediately feel the warmth and enjoy the happiness on earth. The guests immediately felt like they had entered the hotel. This is an improvement in quality. We should change the standard service standard of the hotel. No matter how many times a day we meet with our guests, we are repeatedly saying: Hello, welcome! Hello, please walk slowly! Wait, it doesn't sound like a dialogue between people, but It is a dialogue between humans and robots.
3. Improve the service quality and change the focus of training. Everyone knows how to improve the skills of employees through training. But it should be noted that most of the things that really affect service quality are not skills but attitudes. May I ask how many guests complain that the wine is overfilled and the pillows are tilted? No. In addition to problems with hardware facilities, more complaints from customers are basically related to service awareness, service attitude, and methods of handling problems. This is the relationship between service and being serviced, and the relationship between hotels and staff. Unresolved mental problems, no superb skills will help!
When I was working in Japan, I discussed the quality of service with them. His very simple sentence is that the guests support me and I naturally treat her! There is a Shaanxiese who opened a small hotel in Japan. The service attitude is good It was rare in China at that time. I asked him why he was so humble and friendly? He told me that it was happier to see the guests than to see my dad. Everyone think about it, can people who have this kind of thought not be able to serve them?
With the progress of society, the richness of materials and the improvement of living standards, customers' requirements for service quality will continue to increase. This requires us to continuously start from team building, from the needs of guests, from improving skills, from improving service, etc., to meet the guests' psychology, meet the needs of guests, and promote the virtuous circle of hotel development.

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